
About Me

Hey, glad you found your way to my blog Globe Explorer! I'm Bavin, and I'm based in Toronto, Canada. Back in 2010, I ventured to Costa Rica and ever since, I've been captivated by the thrill of solo travel. Discovering new destinations and meeting new faces is what makes travelling so exciting for me. I'm drawn to places rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. To date, I've explored over 30 countries.

I usually plan my trips to be one to two weeks in duration. I prefer to invest a bit more in comfortable accommodations and transportation for added convenience.

About My Blog

Here on my blog you'll find short travel itineraries and travel photographs from my adventures around the world. You'll also find some travel tips and reflections from my journeys. 

I hope that the itineraries on my blog would provide you some ideas to craft your own unique travel itinerary. I believe that the concise itineraries on my blog would be particularly useful for independent travelers who want to discover a city or country in a limited timeframe.

I hope that my blog will ignite your sense of adventure. If you enjoy a post or have any inquiries/ideas regarding the content, feel free to drop a comment. You can also reach out to me by using the contact form. Appreciate you stopping by my blog!

Wishing you a wonderful journey ✈🙂


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